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Everyone knows that one of the most stressful events in life is moving house. The whole process is beset with troubling moments and then the big day itself is always tough even when everything goes to plan.

  • So what’s the best way to get rid of those moving blues? Are there some proven steps you can follow to make sure that you take all the harshness and hassle out the moving process?
  • Take some time out…when you’ve finished moving everything into your new property, don’t feel you have to dive straight into the unpacking process. Why not take some time to go out or even stay in a hotel, so you can take a break from the process and start getting your new house ready the next morning?
  • Prepare yourself properly…not everyone gets their possessions ready for the moving day, but fewer people get their mind, body and soul ready. We’re not talking about surrounding yourself with candles and incense, unless that really is your kind of thing. However eating properly without the junk food and getting a few nights solid sleep will set you up well for the day.
  • Take time off…how many people try to do the whole moving thing in a single weekend? After a whole five days and then some of working at the 9 to 5 grind, surely the last thing you want to do is put even more pressure on yourself by ramming two days full of moving? Take time off and you’ll considerably ease the stress of your move. You could even benefit from completing the actual move on a day other than Saturday.
  • Look after the children…moving with children adds a whole further level of difficulty and stress into the mix. Whilst you might be tempted to see your children as young adults who can help you out with the move, the probability is that they will be completely overawed with the changes. Do yourself a favour and let them have the adventure of staying with a relative or friend till things are set up.
  • Use stress management techniques…there are now loads of stress management techniques available like mindfulness, playing loud music or even singing and dancing when you’re going through the business of packing and unpacking.

If you want a stress free move that’s trouble free, then why not use Alan Cook removals? We might not be able to give you a massage, but we will ensure that everything goes according to plan and on time.