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We’re not pleased to say it, but did you know that January is regarded by many in the psychological and mediation profession as the Divorce Month? This is an assertion that’s backed up with figures from the courts, which see a marked increase in divorce proceedings every January.

Perhaps there is something about the whole New Year, New Start mentality that makes people decide that they are worn out trying with their marriage or relationship in January?

Whatever the reasons behind the breakup, a move out is usually inevitable, with one partner retaining the current accommodation, and the other searching for a new home. If you do find yourself in this position, there are some practical tips that you can put in place to make sure your move is as trouble free as possible.

Have an Adult Conversation

When you have shared belongings, it’s only natural that both sides might feel entitled to ownership of various items. Try to approach any conversation about the distribution of your television, bed, sofa and furniture in a calm and rational manner.

If you cannot decide amiably as to who should keep which items, then it may be sensible to work their value, and then simply try to distribute them as fairly as possible. This way you avoid any arguments when it comes to the home move.

Stay Away for a Break

Once you have decided that one of you is going to move out of your current accommodation, there will probably be a window of time before the removal process can take place.

During this time it is sometimes best that the person moving out finds somewhere else to stay, like a friend’s house or even a hotel. This is a good way to prevent additional arguments and drama if you have suffered a difficult or troublesome break-up.

During the Removal

To allow the person who is leaving the shared housing or home as much space as possible on the day of the removal, it may be advisable for the person who is remaining in the house to stay away for the day.

By giving the person moving out space to organise themselves, it is possible to reduce the amount of stress on the big day, which is a hugely difficult and often traumatic time.

Share the Cost

As the person who is moving out of the house is perhaps taking the more difficult route of relocation, then it is only fair for both parties in the split to share the cost of the removals.

Pay the removals company together in advance, so there is no further argument over retrieving costs or monies owed.

A Final Word

A break up is never nice, even when everyone knows it’s for the best. If you have to unfortunately go through this unpleasant trial of life then why not use Alan Cook removals for a peaceful and easy house moving process?